Sunday, December 31, 2023

Turkey Dinner

This Holiday season, I think I came up with a perfect solution! Whenever I make a Turkey dinner I am always so tired by the time the Turkey is finished roasting that I loath to make the gravy with the drippings and it takes too long and things start to get cold. This year I figured out, I can cut off the legs and wings the day before and simmer them with vegetables to make delicious broth to use in the stuffing and make the gravy. I even pulled meat off the bones to add to the gravy and it turned out delicious. Of coarse, if you have giblets, you can add them to the pot as well. It was so nice to make the gravy ahead of time and everything was hot and ready at the same time. It was lovely and much less stressful. 
I am all about eliminating stress! For a holiday meal, I make what I can the day before. Cranberry jam, pies, whipped cream, dessert gelatin for the Gelatin Salad, green bean casserole mixed and ready to bake and now the Turkey gravy. Something to keep in mind is, if the legs and wings are missing from the Turkey body, it is going to cook faster in those areas. I like to just roast a breast for my small family, so I can simply buy legs or wings separately to make the broth. It's easy and much cheaper than buying boxes of broth especially since you can also use the meat! Happy Holidays!

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